Writing your memoir, sounds so easy, right?

But where do you begin? And what happens when you find yourself stuck in your story? Or doubting your memoir's structure?

I know all about the stamina needed to write a memoir. I know what it feels like to doubt yourself, question the relevance of your story, and wonder if you are ever going to finish it. I have also worked with new writers who have got lost in the telling of their stories and find that the structure of their memoirs are rickety. And when it comes to scenes, their scenes are often ineffective because they are unclear as to what a scene is and how it functions. Their chapters can lack a goal, they often meander into too much detail, and they forget that a memoir needs a solid structure to convey a truth about life. Their stories can lack pace or move so fast that it starts to hydroplane. But the biggest challenge I see memoir writers have is doubt. Their doubt is fueled either by a fear that they are getting it wrong or confusion about where to begin. They also get stuck when they lose direction and confidence in writing their memoirs. Regardless, their doubts lead to frustration and overwhelm.

Meet Brenda

I'm here to take the overwhelm out in writing your memoir.

I live and love memoir. I love teaching memoir, reading memoir, and guiding others in writing their memoirs. In fact, my greatest joy is helping other writers get unstuck and move forward in writing their stories. To be honest, it is my passion. There is no greater thrill than when a memoir writer comes with doubts, gains traction, grows in confidence, and then finds her groove in writing her story. To help you achieve your dream, your righteous ambition of writing your memoir, I have designed and will be designing courses with you in mind. Take a look below to see which courses are currently on offer.
Brenda Smit-James Memoir Author

Do you know that we are always part of three stories?

Our story, someone else's story, and God's story.

We know that life isn't always a bowl of cherries. In my darkest days, I doubted God's story for my life. I doubted His goodness and His plans. I doubted that He even cared. Through writing my story I came to see how my story is part of His great story. I saw how His story of love and redemption is woven through us, one story at a time. In writing my story, I experienced the nearness of God and came to see that, not only would God redeem my heartbreak and broken dreams, but that they had purpose as part of His great story. If it was true for me, it can also be true for you. I'd love to help you know this for yourself.

Work with Brenda

I get many requests to work one-on-one. I love to do it, however, I only have so much capacity. If you would like to know more about opportunities to work one-on-one, or in a small group, then click on the button below.

Reviews from Working with Brenda

  • Carol | Montana, USA

    Brenda, you have given me confidence I couldn't have gotten on my own, identified themes I couldn't see and overall...I feel seen!

  • Thèma | Ohio, USA

    Thank you Brenda! Your account of my story and how you summarized it so beautifully in one hour is AMAZING. You’ve laid out the plan for my memoir which will help to keep me on track. I feel confident knowing what my book is about. This was great!

  • Gil | Florida, USA

    Your edits are absolutely brilliant! It changes the reader’s experience right from the get-go and launches them into the story I’m about to tell. I am so inspired! I have enjoyed every part of doing this work, but this phase feels especially exciting as I can start to see how the final draft might one day look. Thanks again for your incredible input and instruction.

  • Joanna | Illinois, USA

    Brenda, your comments and questions made me realize certain things I had no idea were in my book. I feel inspired, and I'm already making changes to better convey the messages in my book. Thank you SO MUCH!

  • Jeanne | Minnesota, USA

    Wow! Thank you so much for your clarity and direction with the premise of my memoir, Brenda. It makes perfect sense and now I know in my heart that this is how my story needs to be written.

  • Christie | Arizona, USA

    Brenda, before I started working with you, I was stuck in a rut with writing my memoir. I felt isolated and started doubting what I was doing. Now, I am more motivated than ever! I have learned a lot from you and my memoir is so much better because of it.

Here is my Memoir!

If my dream can come true, so can yours.

My memoir writing journey was conceived during the hardest and darkest time of my life. I wrote my memoir first to survive my grief. I needed to free myself from the torment of remembering why I was grieving and the guilt of forgetting what had happened. Putting my grief on the page allowed it to live outside of me and I could visit it anytime I wanted to. Karen Blixen, author of the memoir Out of Africa said, "Any sorrow can be born if we put it into a story or tell a story about it." It's true, I've experienced it for myself. What I didn't expect was how writing my memoir has given me a whole new way of living my life - it can do the same for you. If you would like to read my story, click on the link below.
When God Says No by Brenda Smit-James

Memoir Reviews

When God Says No by Brenda Smit-James

  • Sara Davison | Author of Vigilant

    Wow, your writing really is beautiful, stark, and powerful. You are a very good writer, Brenda.

  • Cathy Fort Leyland | Writer

    Oh Brenda! Your book just keeps getting better! You express yourself so well.

  • Jolie Lambkin | Reader

    I'm half-way through your book, Brenda. It's moving and beautiful and challenging. Thank you for sharing your story. You have tremendous writing skills.

  • Janesse Hirst | Reader

    Such a beautifully honest book. What an inspiration of how you rose above and now give others hope through your faith.

  • Donald Shaw | Reader

    I've finished your book, Brenda. What a ride!

  • Marinda Breese | Reader

    I find your book so captivating that I can't put it down. You write with such truth and wisdom and understanding that I am already asking, 'What will be her next book?'